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Cameron's House of Fun

Fatherhood, politics, education, random thoughts (heavy on the random thoughts) and stuff (always stuff).

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Things that have gone from funny to sad

When was first launched last week it provided me with a laugh when I most needed it. But now there are roughly 1056 people appologizing, in such painful, heartfelt ways it has stopped making me laugh. As Mike Myers would say, I'm feeling a bit veclempt. Actually quite veclempt.

I grew up in a family where my father and mother both worked for the Progressive Conservative party during elections, my wife grew up in a family that organized for the Parti Québecois. Both of us can detatch and look at politics as a sport: there is how we vote and feel and then there is giving props where they are due. I've voted for both the winner and the loser at municipal, provincial and federal levels, I've voted for stupid people to make some kind of point, I've voted for people that I didn't like because I liked their leader, hell I even voted Equality Party once (I would like to be able to blame drugs.. but I can't). All of this to say I have been on the winning and losing end of elections and I get how it works on the inside (locally anyway).

I've never seen people so upset and filled with dispair at a election result. I mean, I've been pissed off in the past, our most recent provincial election here in Quebec being a good example. My fellow citizens voted in a man who seems intent on either dismantling every cool social service that other provinces envy or laying the ground work for seperation... and he is meant to be a federalist...

Anyway.. I guess all of this to say: I have no idea how the US is going to function, Bush seems intent on doing whatever he wants, all the while pretending to reach out, anyone who is upset about he results is branded a sore loser and a whiner and mb a terrorist all the while there are people wandering around who look like they have been kicked in the heart.

It is so sad.


At 10:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

going through, i got a combination of the warm fuzzies and blinding rage you seem to have shared. haven't gotten around to it yet, but my pic'll probably be up there soon.

At 10:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

going through, i got a combination of the warm fuzzies and blinding rage you seem to have shared. haven't gotten around to it yet, but my pic'll probably be up there soon.

-strangeffect aka andy

At 11:23 a.m., Blogger Cameron Campbell said...

Yeah, exactly. Warm fuzzies and rage... exactly.. those are revolution feelings.


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