Prediction results
I'm going to write about the actual results of the actual election later. But first I know all three of you are dying to know how Christine and I did with our various predictions. First, an explanation, Christine has what people like to call "a life". She leaves the house to work, she has co-workers who talk to her, our boss is 10 feet away from her, she is not nearly as lame and geeky as I am. Which is to say that her email inbox wasn't recieving polling data directly and she wasn't reading politics stuff every lunch hour.
Christine's Predictions:
CPC: 153
Lib: 72
BQ: 58
NDP: 23
IND: 2
Cameron's Predictions:
CPC: 12O
LIB: 105
BQ: 58
NDP: 25
Actual Election Results:
CPC: 124
LIB: 103
BQ: 51
NDP: 29
IND: 1
So I was closer, but off on some. Then again, at about 10:30 Christine predicted that Martin would resign. I told her she was nuts.
Come on - was that really your call?
That's friggin' amazing.
As per usual, you impress the me. Normally, its with your clever arguments. This time, its with your sixth sense!
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