Hi there.
Fatherhood, politics, education, random thoughts (heavy on the random thoughts) and stuff (always stuff).
Hi there.
So this morning, I'm all stunned with sleep and stressed about the day etc (as is my want), I got up, got Lucas downstairs and went to make breakfast.
... happened to me the other day as I was leaving to go and pick Lucas up from the daycare.
Labels: amazement, Annoyances, house
So about two weeks ago Lucas started making rhythmic sounds with his mouth.
But first, at breakfast today Lucas asks "Mama, what's the French word for snotz?".. sadly I was laughing to hard to hear the answer.
Labels: language fun, laughter, Lucas
In January Apple released the January Software Update for iPod Touch. Let's leave aside the fact that you have to pay $20 for it, and talk about the update stream.
Hey you!
Labels: dumbness
When exactly did the world "conservative" get redefined to mean "social conservatives/raging nutbars"?
Labels: language fun, politics, TV