Still Here.
That was my toast at my family Christmas dinner: still here. After our tumultuous year I'm thinking of having it done up on a crest in Latin and put over our front door ("Etiam hic", or so says one of the free translations sites).
Lucas is feeling a bit sick so, in an attempt to find a quiet activity that he would like, we looked at the last 12 months worth of photos in iPhoto.
So much gained and lost.
The count, for those of you still trying to keep score is as follows:
Losses column
Mother's who died: 1
Father-in-law girlfriends who died: 1
Cats that have been put down: 3
The million little intangible cuts that make up a crap year (alternate family motto "Another Day, Another Indignity")
Gains column
Sisters married to lovely men: 1
Houses sold for a decent profit: 1
Bigger, better, nicer houses bought: 1
Healthy members of my immediate family: 3 (counting me)
Children that continue to amaze, delight, confound and teach: 1
A million intangible things (friends, family, haiku-like moments of joy, etc etc)
So, how to score the year? Honestly, as much as some of my braver friends have tried to spin it for me as being a year that had good and bad equally, it has felt like one damn thing after another. With a little over 11 hours left to the year, I'm honestly watching my back...and when this year is gone I will do a little celebratory dance...I'm seriously toying with the idea of taking the calendar out to our little bit of land behind the house, lighting it on fire and then taking a great big piss on it to put it out.
Anyway, since this will probably be the last post of this year, (I have one more briming in my head about one of my Christmas books) I want to take a chance to wish my far flung friends (and you, gentle readers – all three of you) the very happiest of New Years. May it be the best ever.
Still here indeed.